Installation & quick start

Video tutorial


Prerequisites: Node.js 8 or greater; Java runtime 8 or greater.

Run the command below to install OpenTest from npm:

npm install opentest -g

Quick start

This section shows the steps to create a default OpenTest configuration and run the first test session.

These instructions are for Windows users. For macOS or Linux you must adjust the paths accordingly.
  1. Create a directory named opentest on the C: drive to use as a playground for this guide, and cd into that directory.

    md C:\opentest
    cd C:\opentest
  2. Run the command below

    opentest quick-start

    Your opentest directory should now look like this:

    ├── server
    │   └── server.yaml
    ├── actor1
    │   └── actor.yaml
    └── test-repo
        ├── macros
        │   └── ...
        ├── scripts
        │   └── ...
        ├── templates
        │   └── ...
        └── tests
            └── ...

    The server and the actor1 directories are going to be used as the working directories for the OpenTest server and default test actor, respectively. The test-repo directory is a sample test repository that demonstrates some basic features of OpenTest.

  3. Open a new terminal window, cd to the server’s working directory and start the OpenTest server:

    cd C:\opentest\server
    opentest server
    The OpenTest server (aka the sync server) is a Node.js application who’s main functions are to orchestrate test execution and expose the OpenTest web-based UI.
  4. Open a new terminal window, cd to the actor’s working directory and start the test actor:

    cd C:\opentest\actor1
    opentest actor
    The test actor is a Java application that runs on the system under test and executes test steps as instructed by the sync server.
  5. Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.

  6. From the menu, select Session > Create Session From Template. Select the template Quick start tests and click Create session. Wait a few seconds for the test session to finish and click on it to examine the test results and log information.

Updating OpenTest to a new version

To update your OpenTest installation to a new version, run the same command you used to install it:

npm install opentest -g

If you are updating to a new major version, however, you need to explicitly specify the version number you are updating to in your npm install command. For example, if you are currently running OpenTest 0.9.16 and you are updating to 1.0.4, you need to run the command:

npm install [email protected] -g

Alternatively, to update to the latest stable version available, you can do:

npm install opentest@latest -g