Appium keywords
- Observations
- UI element locators
- Swipe-related keyword arguments
- Keyword list
- AssertElementChecked
- AssertElementEnabled
- AssertElementNotChecked
- AssertElementNotEnabled
- AssertElementNotVisible
- AssertElementText
- AssertElementVisible
- CloseApp
- HideKeyboard
- InitAppium
- LaunchApp
- LongPress
- NavigateBack
- ReadElementAspect
- ReadElementAttribute
- ReadElementText
- ReadPageSource
- ReadScreenSize
- ResetApp
- RunAppInBackground
- SendKeys
- Swipe
- SwitchContext
- SwitchToFrame
- TakeScreenshot
- Tap
Mandatory keyword arguments are shown in
font.All keywords listed in this page are found in the package
, so you must prefix their names with this package name when calling them. For example, to call theTap
action, use this syntax:- description: Tap the submit button action: org.getopentest.appium.Tap args: locator: { id: submit }
If you have some basic familiarity with the Java language and would like to know more about how a certain keyword is implemented, please take a peek at the source code.
UI element locators
Since most Appium keywords act on a particular UI element, they need to be given a way to identify that element. This is done by providing a locator argument. Locator arguments are simply objects that must contain the information necessary to identify a UI element using one of the following methods supported by Appium: id, css, name, class, tag, text, linkText, partialLinkText or xpath. Some examples:
locator: {id: element1}
locator: {name: name1}
locator: {class: class1}
locator: {xpath: "//android.widget.TextView[@text='Submit']"}
And some locators specific to web views:
locator: {css: #container div.class1}
locator: {linkText: Submit the form}
locator: {partialLinkText: Submit}
locator: {tag: button}
Note | In most cases, the values specified in locator arguments do not need to be enclosed in double quotes (courtesy of the YAML format). However, most xPath expressions must be enclosed in double quotes because they contain the square brackets characters "[" and "]", which in YAML are special characters used to represent an array value. |
Swipe-related keyword arguments
When doing mobile testing, it is a very common scenario to have to perform one or more swipe gestures in a scroll container in order to find a UI element we are looking to interact with. OpenTest makes this easy and automatic by enabling certain keywords with the ability to perform the scroll whenever necessary. All test actions that need to interact with a UI element have this capability.
The following test action arguments are available for all swipe-enabled actions:
| The direction to swipe towards. Valid values are: |
| The locator of the UI element that the swipe gesture will be executed into. All coordinate calculations are going to be performed relative to the position and size of this container element. Default: |
| The duration of the swipe gesture, in milliseconds. If more than one swipe is necessary to reach the target element, each one of the swipes will have this duration. Default: 1000. |
| The maximum number of swipe gestures allowed in search of the target element (or edge) before we give up. Default: 20. |
| The percentage of the swipe container height that the swipe gesture will start or end at, from the top side of the container. Default: 0.1 when a swipe container is provided in the |
| The percentage of the swipe container height that the swipe gesture will start or end at, from the bottom side of the container. Default: 0.1 when a swipe container is provided in the |
| The percentage of the swipe container width that the swipe gesture will start or end at, from the right side of the container. Default: 0.1. |
| The percentage of the swipe container width that the swipe gesture will start or end at, from the left side of the container. Default: 0.1. |
| The maximum number of times we will check to verify that we reached the end of the page (by examining the page source). We normally need one single check, but in some scenarios the elements on the screen can look the same between two consecutive swipes, so we need to check multiple times to make sure we reached the edge. Default: 1. |
Example 1:
- description: Find "product1" by swiping down and tap on it
action: org.getopentest.appium.Tap
locator: { id: product1 }
swipe: down
Example 2:
- description: |
Find "product1" by swiping down in the "products" scroll view
and validate its text contains the word "Gillette"
action: org.getopentest.appium.AssertElementText
locator: { id: product1 }
textContains: Gillette
swipe: down
swipeContainer: { id: products }
swipeOffsetTop: 0.3
Keyword list
Verifies that a checkbox is currently checked.
| The locator of the UI element. |
| This is a swipe-enabled action, which supports all of the swipe-related keyword arguments. |
- description: Verify that the "Accept" checkbox is checked
action: org.getopentest.appium.AssertElementChecked
locator: { id: accept }
Verifies that a UI element is currently enabled.
| The locator of the UI element. |
| This is a swipe-enabled action, which supports all of the swipe-related keyword arguments. |
- description: Verify that the submit button is enabled
action: org.getopentest.appium.AssertElementEnabled
locator: { id: submit }
Verifies that a checkbox is currently not checked.
| The locator of the UI element. |
| This is a swipe-enabled action, which supports all of the swipe-related keyword arguments. |
- description: Verify that the "Accept" checkbox is not checked
action: org.getopentest.appium.AssertElementNotChecked
locator: { id: accept }
Verifies that a UI element is currently disabled.
| The locator of the UI element. |
| This is a swipe-enabled action, which supports all of the swipe-related keyword arguments. |
- description: Verify that the submit button is disabled
action: org.getopentest.appium.AssertElementNotEnabled
locator: { id: submit }
Verifies that a UI element is either invisible or not present in the DOM.
| The locator of the UI element. |
| This is a swipe-enabled action, which supports all of the swipe-related keyword arguments. |
- description: Verify that the submit button is not visible
action: org.getopentest.appium.AssertElementNotVisible
locator: { id: submit }
Validates the text content of a UI element.
| The locator of the UI element. |
| The exact text that we expect to find in the UI element. Exactly one of the |
| A substring that we expect to be present anywhere in the UI element. |
| Specifies whether the text comparison operations will be carried out case-insensitive. Default: false. |
| This is a swipe-enabled action, which supports all of the swipe-related keyword arguments. |
- description: Verify that the "product" textbox contains "MacBook"
action: org.getopentest.appium.AssertElementText
locator: { id: product }
textContains: MacBook
Verifies that a UI element is visible on the screen.
| The locator of the UI element. |
| This is a swipe-enabled action, which supports all of the swipe-related keyword arguments. |
- description: Verify that the submit button is visible
action: org.getopentest.appium.AssertElementVisible
locator: { id: submit }
Closes the application. Internally uses the AppiumDriver.closeApp() method.
- description: Close the application.
action: org.getopentest.appium.CloseApp
Hides the keyboard, if it is showing. On iOS, there are multiple strategies for hiding the keyboard. Defaults to the "tapOutside" strategy (taps outside the keyboard). Try passing the argument keyName: Done
, if this doesn’t work.
| The button pressed by the mobile driver to attempt hiding the keyboard. Only used for iOS. |
- description: Hide the keyboard
action: org.getopentest.appium.HideKeyboard
keyName: Done
Creates and initializes the Appium driver instance. It is not necessary to call this action yourself, since the test actor will create the driver automatically the first time you attempt run any Appium test action. The InitAppium action is only necessary for advanced use cases, when you need more control over the way the Appium driver instance is created (e.g. you need to override one or more desired capabilities or you want to use a custom Appium URL for the duration of one single test).
| The Appium server URL. If not specified, it will be read from the "appium.appiumServerUrl" parameter in the test actor’s configuration file. |
| A hashmap containing name-value pairs of capabilities to pass when creating the driver. These capabilities will override the ones in the actor’s configuration file. |
- description: Initializes the Appium driver
action: org.getopentest.appium.InitAppium
app: /Users/username/
Launches the app that was provided the in desired capabilities. Internally uses the AppiumDriver.launchApp() method.
- description: Launch the mobile app
action: org.getopentest.appium.LaunchApp
Performs a long press gesture at the center of a UI element for the specified duration.
| The locator of the UI element. |
| The duration of the long press, in milliseconds. Default: null. If the duration argument is not specified it will be determined by the default Appium behavior. |
| This is a swipe-enabled action, which supports all of the swipe-related keyword arguments. |
- description: Long press on product 1
action: org.getopentest.appium.LongPress
locator: { id: product1 }
Moves back to the previous screen.
- description: Go back
action: org.getopentest.appium.NavigateBack
Reads the position and size of a UI element.
| The locator of the UI element. |
| This is a swipe-enabled action, which supports all of the swipe-related keyword arguments. |
Output values:
| The X coordinate of the UI element. |
| The Y coordinate of the UI element. |
| The width of the UI element. |
| The height of the UI element. |
- description: Read the position and size of the red box
action: org.getopentest.appium.ReadElementAspect
locator: { id: red }
- description: Log the element position and size
script: |
"The element aspect is {0},{1},{2},{3}",
Reads the value of the specified attribute on a UI element.
| The locator of the UI element. |
| The name of the attribute. |
| This is a swipe-enabled action, which supports all of the swipe-related keyword arguments. |
Output values:
| The value of the attribute. |
- description: Read the "focusable" attribute of the "name" textbox
action: org.getopentest.appium.ReadElementAttribute
locator: { id: name }
focusable: $output.value
- description: Log the element position and size
script: |
$log("The focusable attribute's value is" + $localData("focusable"));
Reads the visible text of this element, including sub-elements, without any leading or trailing whitespace.
| The locator of the UI element. |
| This is a swipe-enabled action, which supports all of the swipe-related keyword arguments. |
Output values:
| The text content of the element. |
- description: Read the text content of product 1
action: org.getopentest.appium.ReadElementText
locator: { id: product1 }
productName: $output.text
- description: Log the product name
script: |
$log("The product name is " + $localData("productName"));
Get the XML source of the last loaded page.
Output values:
| The page source in XML format. |
- description: Read the page source
action: org.getopentest.appium.ReadPageSource
pageSource: $output.pageSource
- description: Log the page source
script: |
$log("The page source is " + $localData("pageSource"));
Reads the screen size of the device we are currently running on.
Output values:
| The width of the screen. |
| The height of the screen. |
- description: Read the screen size
action: org.getopentest.appium.ReadScreenSize
screenWidth: $output.screenWidth
screenHeight: $output.screenHeight
- description: Log the screen size
script: |
$log($format("The screen size is ({0}, {1})",
Reset the currently running app for this session. Internally it calls the Appium driver.resetApp()
- description: Reset the app
action: org.getopentest.appium.ResetApp
Runs the current app as a background app for the number of seconds requested. The test action will finish executing after the specified time interval is over and the app has been returned to the foreground.
| The number of seconds to run as a background app. |
- description: Run the app in background for 10 seconds
action: org.getopentest.appium.RunAppInBackground
seconds: 10
Simulates typing into an element, which may set its value (depending on the type of UI element).
| The UI element to type in. |
| The text to type. |
| Instructs the action to clear the content of the element before typing in the new one. Default: false. |
| Instructs the action to attempt hiding the keyboard after it finishes typing. |
| Determines what API will be used when doing the typing. When using the keyboard service, the |
| This is a swipe-enabled action, which supports all of the swipe-related keyword arguments. |
- description: Type "John Doe" in the name text box
action: org.getopentest.appium.SendKeys
locator: { id: name }
text: John Doe
Performs one or more swipe gestures.
| The direction to swipe in ( |
| The UI element that we are looking to find as we are swiping. The swipe will stop as soon as the element has been found. |
| The duration of the swipe gesture, in milliseconds. Default: 1000. |
| The locator of the UI element the swipe will be executed into. All coordinate calculations are going to be performed relative to the position and size of the swipe container element. When the swipe container is not specified, it defaults to the entire screen. |
| When true, causes the swipe to continue until it reaches the edge of the swipe container. |
| The maximum number of swipe gestures allowed in search of the target element (or edge) before we give up. |
| The percentage of the swipe container height that the swipe gesture will start or end at, from the bottom side of the container. Default: 0.1 when swipe container is provided, and 0.2 otherwise. |
| The percentage of the swipe container width that the swipe gesture will start or end at, from the left side of the container. Default: 0.1. |
| The percentage of the swipe container width that the swipe gesture will start or end at, from the right side of the container. Default: 0.1. |
| The percentage of the swipe container height that the swipe gesture will start or end at, from the top side of the container. Default: 0.1 when swipe container is provided, and 0.2 otherwise. |
- description: Swipe towards the right in search of the delete button
action: org.getopentest.appium.Swipe
direction: right
target: { id: delete }
Switch the focus of future commands to the context with the given name. This is necessary in order to perform test actions inside a web view control (WebView in Android or UIWebView in iOS).
| The context name. This is typically either |
- description: Switch context to the first web view on the screen
action: org.getopentest.appium.SwitchContext
context: WEBVIEW_1
Switches the focus of future commands to the specified iframe
| The frame’s name. At least one of the |
| The frame element’s locator. |
| The frame’s index (first frame in the page has index 0). |
Example 1:
- description: Switch to the "products" frame (by name)
action: org.getopentest.appium.SwitchToFrame
frameName: products
Example 2:
- description: Switch to the "products" frame (by CSS)
action: org.getopentest.appium.SwitchToFrame
locator: { css: "iframe[name='products']" }
Captures a screenshot of the mobile device’s display. The image is saved in the test actor working directory and is sent asynchronously to the OpenTest server so it can be presented in the web-based test execution report.
- description: Take a screenshot
action: org.getopentest.appium.TakeScreenshot
Performs a tap (click) at the center of the specified element.
| The locator of the UI element. |
| The offset on the X axis from the top-left corner of the UI element identified by the locator argument. It should be noted that, if either the |
| The offset on the Y axis from the top-left corner of the UI element identified by the locator argument. |
| The absolute X coordinate to tap at. |
| The absolute Y coordinate to tap at. |
| This is a swipe-enabled action, which supports all of the swipe-related keyword arguments. |
Example 1 - tap the center of a UI element:
- description: Tap on first product
action: org.getopentest.appium.Tap
locator: { id: product1 }
Example 2 - tap a UI element after swiping down to find the element, as necessary:
- description: Swipe and tap on first product
action: org.getopentest.appium.Tap
locator: { id: product1 }
swipe: down
Example 3 - tap at coordinates (20,20) from the top-left corner of the UI element:
- description: Tap on first product
action: org.getopentest.appium.Tap
locator: { id: product1 }
xOffset: 20
yOffset: 20
Example 4 - tap the screen at (200, 200) in absolute screen coordinates:
- description: Tap at screen coordinates (200,200)
action: org.getopentest.appium.Tap
x: 200
y: 200